Astrology is an Acknowledgment?

Actually it’s a custom, in Hinduism, to have the horoscope of a new born child drawn up by a PANDIT means Astrologer. In big cities, many own up this old art, and advertise claims in the local press to portend the future and to give suggestion regarding business, love affairs and other important things.
 Though the uneducated people are the greatest believers, even well to do citizens also believe in this. And the big example of it is a big star of bolly wood, Hollywood and others, not even they believe but also act upon on their guide lines. Dependable or otherwise, it is a scientific reading on regular lines, and the training of an ASTROLOGER is long and difficult.
 It is recognized by old writings and inscriptions on pillars, that the earliest Egyptians and the Chaldeans practiced the sect of astrology. They studied the phases of the planets, and left charts with the different signs of zodiac. A man’s life was considered to be strongly influenced for fine or ill by the particular planet that happened to be predominant in the heavens, at the time of his birth.
 The Muslim Scientists are also researched on it and they also accept this knowledge for future information. Muslim preachers are also using this knowledge for different type of religious work. These practices are also spread to the western nations. In one of a famous novel the Author written that a child is born in chapyer and at once an astrologer draws up a horoscope for the baby, the events of which amazingly perform the same.
 Shakespeare, the great philosopher & Drama writer has also many references to the power of the stars over to men. Shakespeare himself does not appear to have believed in this science. In the various plays his characters conversation shows their believes on stars and on the power of stars. But the educated men, opening to force upon more and more deeply into the secrets of Nature, could not find that the stars exerted any influence other then the desirability of gravity, on the affair of our world.
 Even in highly developed Europe, the cult is by no means dead. Scores of recognized astrologers advertise in certain papers, the unsuspecting and the simple people go to them and pay high fees for advice and for predictions. But educated people of society have not any believes or stronger thoughts about astrology. And the educated sections of people also hold that science has proved that there can be no sound reason for such beliefs. There will always be some, however, who believe that there is a mysterious and full of power field into which science cannot explore and who will continue to rely on the super natural.
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